5 Things to Be Grateful for in Digital Procurement
Best Practices: Supplier Diversity
7 Spooky RFP Qualities that will Scare Away Suppliers
Where Fantasy Football meets Procurement
Tips and Tricks to Managing Supplier Performance
Procurement Protest from Jeff Bezos Risks NASA Moonshot
Which Certification is right for YOU?
Digital Procurement and Supply Chain Resiliency
Top 8 Supply Chain Technologies that will Disrupt the Industry
Supply Chain Technology: History & Impact
Negometrix becomes Mercell US
Measuring Supplier Performance [White Paper]
Mercell acquires Negometrix in the Netherlands and expands its footprint in the European e-procurement market
Mercell Holding AS has signed a binding agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of the leading Dutch e-procurement company Negometrix BV.
Procurement Advice – An Interview with Darin Matthews
Cyber Security for Procurement
Negometrix acquires spend management software PublicSoft
With this acquisition, Negometrix further expands the functionality of its software platform and strengthens its leading position in the Dutch market.
New Jersey’s Emergency eProcurement Guidelines
In the wake of COVID, New Jersey has adopted emergency guidelines for eProcurement and aims to have those guidelines stay in effect following the crisis.
Florida Procurement – A Snapshot of Digital Transformation
Florida provides a snapshot of the digital procurement transformation that is taking place across the country
The eProcurement FAQ
As many new agencies look to implement eProcurement during the COVID-19 Crisis, we answer some of their most frequently asked questions.
Free eProcurement software during COVID-19 from Negometrix
In the wake of the current Coronavirus outbreak, Negometrix is offering 4 months free. This will enable government agencies and buyers to maintain critical procurement processes.
Darin Matthews joins E-procurement technology provider Negometrix
Darin Matthews, former Director of Procurement for UC Santa Cruz, Portland State University, METRO, and Portland's regional government, joins the Negometrix US Management Board per January 1, 2020.
e-Procurement & Contract Management: Williamson County, TX goes 100% Digital with Negometrix
Williamson County Purchasing has used an electronic bidding provider since 2014. The contract was nearing termination date in 2019 and the department was faced with the dilemma of issuance of a new contract with the previous provider or seek a technology solution that more effectively met the needs of the organizational growth. The procurement function is decentralized in Williamson County so department users were included throughout the decision-making and acquisition process to meet both user and Purchasing needs. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for e-Sourcing and Contract Management software was issued in March 2019 that resulted in nine (9) responsive submittals. After a thorough evaluation process that included members from multiple user departments as well as Purchasing staff, a contract was awarded to Negometrix to provide both platforms. The implementation process was timely and efficient which allowed Williamson County to “Go Live” on July 31, 2019.
Achieving Digital Transformation
"How to achieve digital transformation with a new e-procurement setup," Article featured in the Municipal helps to identify key considerations in selection of an e-Procurement platform.
“Going Dutch” A column by Darin Matthews, FNIGP, CPPO, CPSM
In addition to the quality of its software offering, Negometrix delivers a collaborative approach to customer service that would be hard to top.
Weekly Features
Every week we will share a key feature of our platform. Stay tuned!
Negometrix Delivers Bulgarian National Electronic Procurement System
Beginning November 2019, the system will be mandatory for both public and utility sector contracting authorities in Bulgaria.
The State of Procurement in the United States
Darin Matthews to speak at the Negometrix User Day 2019
Is e-Procurement Free For Buyers?
Jan Siderius gives his insight on whether the purchasing organization or the supplier community should bear the cost of an e-Procurement software.
Procurement Experts from around the country join User Advisory Board
Including the Negometrix staff, the group combines for a tremendous amount of hands-on procurement experience.
Photos, thoughts, and takeaways from the 2019 CAPPO Conference in Sacramento
Public Procurement in the EU becomes 100% Digital
As of October 18th, 2018, public agencies across the EU must conduct all procurement digitally, forcing an end to paper and mailed responses.
Recap: NIGP “Best Value Procurement” Webinar Presented by Negometrix CEO, Jan Siderius
On September 11, 2018, The National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) invited Negometrix CEO, Jan Siderius, to speak for a one-hour long webinar regarding Best Value Procurement. In the webinar, Mr. Siderius covered many interesting topics within Best Value Procurement. If you would like to learn more or access the webinar slides, click to read more below.
A Comparative Study of Formulas for Choosing the Most Economically Advantageous Solicitation
Jan Siderius, MSc., is the CEO of Negometrix, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Member of the EU Expert Group on eProcurement. His interest and research is in public and private electronic tendering (e-procurement) with a focus on the most economically advantageous tender (solicitation) calculation methods.
Negometrix at the 2018 NIGP Forum (Public Sector Purchasing and Suppliers)
Negometrix, developers of a complete digital solution for Public Sector Purchasing, will once again sponsor, and participate in, the 2018 NIGP Forum in Nashville, TN, at Gaylord Opryland, from August 19-22. Our sponsored discussion table is entitled, “Improving the RFP process: how software can help to determine Best Value for Money”, and we will be at Booth 1328 in the Exhibition Hall.
Negometrix at the 2018 AHRMM Conference (Medical Purchasing and Suppliers)
Negometrix, developers of a complete digital solution for Healthcare Purchasing, will participate in the AHRMM 2018 Conference and Exhibition in Chicago, IL, at McCormick Place (Lakeside Center), from August 12-15. We will be at Booth 662 in the Exhibit Hall.
Tools of the Profession
Mike Thornton, Purchasing Manager for the City of Leesburg, explains why it's critical for procurement professionals to invest in solutions that will help them secure the best products and services ahead of the competition.
Dutch software company Negometrix to develop the national procurement system for all Bulgarian Public Entities
On December 15, 2017 Negometrix as part of a consortium, signed a contract with the Public Procurement Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria. The contract is for delivering and support of the national procurement for a period of 4 years. Negometrix will deliver the software solution, that will be used by all public authorities such as cities, provinces, ministries, hospitals, utilities and others for purchasing goods, services and supplies completely electronically. The awarded contract worth € 2,4 million was a result of an extensive European tendering procedure which took almost 1 year. The awarding criteria was 60% on quality and 40% on price.