e-Procurement & Contract Management: Williamson County, TX goes 100% Digital with Negometrix
Williamson County Purchasing has used an electronic bidding provider since 2014. The contract was nearing termination date in 2019 and the department was faced with the dilemma of issuance of a new contract with the previous provider or seek a technology solution that more effectively met the needs of the organizational growth. The procurement function is decentralized in Williamson County so department users were included throughout the decision-making and acquisition process to meet both user and Purchasing needs. A Request for Proposals (RFP) for e-Sourcing and Contract Management software was issued in March 2019 that resulted in nine (9) responsive submittals. After a thorough evaluation process that included members from multiple user departments as well as Purchasing staff, a contract was awarded to Negometrix to provide both platforms. The implementation process was timely and efficient which allowed Williamson County to “Go Live” on July 31, 2019.