Need help logging in?
Mercell Nederland covers two platforms: Negometrix3 and Mercell Source-to-Contract (formerly known as Negometrix4).
The newest platform by Mercell. For Mercell Source-to-Contract USA, click here.
On 16 September, Negometrix4 will be renamed to Mercell Source-to-Contract. For Mercell Source-to-Contract USA, click here.

The old Negometrix platform, active since 2010. For Negometrix3 USA, click here.
Invited for a tender or solicitation?
The invite you received contains a product name, logo, and URL to the right application.
Register separately for Negometrix3 USA to participate in solicitations in the US.
Found an interesting tender on TenderNed or TED?
Check the name of the product and the URL to the right application in the publication.
You can always find the exact publication on TED (Europe) or TenderNed (The Netherlands).

On 16 September, Negometrix4 will be renamed to Mercell Source-to-Contract.
Besides the name and look & feel, nothing will change. You log in using the same credentials you used for Negometrix4. All your projects and data will be there.
The URL of the website and the platform, email addresses for reports and notifications, as well as Single Sign-On settings remain the same.
For Mercell Source-to-Contract USA, click here.

Need any support?
Feel free to contact our service desk.
Mercell Nederland (EU)
Mail servicedesk@negometrix.com
Phone: +31 (0) 85 20 84 666
Mercell USA
Mail: servicedesk.us@negometrix.com
Phone: (724) 888-5294